Monday, June 9, 2008

.:: XR 1.4 Booter + 1.4 Zombie ::.

XR 1.4 Booter + 1.4 Zombie.


Hex Workshop --- You can download this for free at, BreakPoint Software, Inc. - Downloads

Port 3070 Open. -- You can learn how to get your port open on your router from, - Free Help Setting up Your Router or Firewall

A Free Account At << sign up at No-IP - Dynamic DNS, Static DNS for Your Dynamic IP

And Last My Tut.

Step 1: Ok once you have signed up at like you should of before you started reading this,
Make sure you are logged into your account at the site, then click on,

Hosts / Redirects
-Manage (Then Click Manage)

Then Click On,
"Add A Host"

Then leave all the settings alone but, Make a 3 letter DNS and put it on instead of
3 Letter DNS Examples,
gn1, d3m, dem, xgn, so on....

Then it should look like,

Then click on "Create Host"

__________________________________________________ ______________________________

Ok, now we start to edit the Zombie to make it work for you. Make sure you have Hex Workshop Installed and Opened Up.

Once its open go to,


Then browse for your 1.4 Botnet that you downloaded from my post earlier before.

Once your 1.4 Botnet is open in Hex Workshop then go to,


Once you have clicked on find and opened it up then dont mess with any of the settings or what its on.
Then Where it says Value type in "No-IP" Then it should look like,

If it looks like that then your good to go click "Ok" but if it does not look like that then you ****ed up somewhere.

After you click "Ok" then it should of found something like this somewhere on your screen, towards all the hex coding in the middle.

After you find that where it says "xr6" start at the begging and at type in your 3 letters that your DNS that you added to your account at
Please note do not type in, this hex already has that included in the Zombie so just worry about your 3 Letters.

So you do that it should look something like mine in the picture below,

Then if yours is like mine with the 3 letters of your DNS on just do the last step and hit
(Example picture below.)

Now make sure your port: 3070 is open on your router.
Im not going to explain how to do that because every router is usually different on how to do it. And i dont have the time so just go to the website i listed at the begging of this tut, and look up on how you open a port on your router.

After your port is open congratulation's you now have your own 1.4 XR booter and Zombie to spread.

Enjoy and please dont rip this tut from here, and if you do please ask me before and give me 100% full credit for making it.

Thanks and Enjoy The Host Booting....


Unknown said...

umm this is binded with your bot and you killed the booter so it doesnt work anymore...

Anonymous said...

ty ICHA ..
kamu cantik lah ..
hehehe ..
kamu indonesia ?